Frequently Asked Questions
1 - What makes us stand out and be different, compared with other professional service firms?
In short, we handle complexity and provide you with clarity.
We provide you with a clear understanding of your business performance, safe and reliable ways to minimise your tax, and valuable business advice and consultancy to provide you with clarity of vision to help you further grow and develop a strong and successful business.
We provide the service and technical expertise you would expect from a reputable professional firm to reliably handle your bookkeeping, financial reporting, taxation, auditing and business advisory needs.
In addition we provide powerful consultancy services including:
a first hand understanding of your world as a business operator
a "big picture" view of your challenges and opportunities
essential insights to help you boost cash flow and profitability,
entrepreneurial drive to achieve results,
extensive hands-on commercial experience to facilitate your innovation and development as a truly successful business,
the skills to successfully manage complex projects for you, and
the contributions, help and support you need to achieve your vision
We leverage our commercial and strategic expertise to work with you and your team, combining our joint strengths to help you achieve your vision.
2 - Why choose us?
The main reasons to choose us for your professional services are summarised as follows. We are:
professionally qualified and regulated
technology savvy and commercially minded
small business friendly
For a quick explanation of these reasons please click here.
In further detail the reasons to choose us for your professional services include:
It's about you
Successful Commercial, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Mind-set
Rich and Diverse Financial Experience and Expertise
Value, Efficiency and Convenience
Leveraging Technology
Strong combination of Services and Value
Working well with fellow service providers
Price Certainty
Try Us
Our Values
For a further explanation on these reasons you can visit our Why Choose Us? - Additional Information Page.
3 - Can you handle all my business and personal tax affairs including complex matters both locally and overseas?
Yes we have the expertise to handle all your local and international tax affairs, including complex matters. We are professionally regulated as a professional services firm registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
We also have a registration with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and we are registered tax agents with the Australian Tax Practitioners Board.
Whichever jurisdictions you and your businesses are resident in, as a truly international business we can meet your needs and help you achieve your vision.
4 - Can you save tax for me and my business?
Yes we work within safe parameters to minimise your overall business and personal tax costs both in the short-term and the longer-term.
5 - How do you streamline the process for our monthly, quarterly and annual accounting and tax?
Whatever accounting and operating systems you're using, we help you make the best use of your systems. We help you streamline your data entry and provide assistance to your bookkeeper, or finance team, as they require it throughout the year.
Through the year, and at your year end, we efficiently extract the information needed for your accounting and tax affairs. We also provide a helpful list of additional information that's needed to finalise your affairs, and we prepare your accounts and tax returns quickly and efficiently for you, minimising your overall tax costs.
Each year we improve the process to make this smooth, streamlined, quick and efficient for you.
6 - How do you help us gain a clear understanding of our business performance?
We analyse your management accounts and year end accounts to provide you with a summary of your business performance. We explain your performance to you and answer any questions you have. We provide you with helpful insights into what factors impact on your business results and provide helpful solutions as to how you can improve your performance.
7 - How do you help us add value to our business?
With our extensive commercial success and experiences as business leaders we see the bigger picture, and help you see the pathway towards your success
To the extent you require it we provide all the help and support you need to run your bookkeeping and finance functions smoothly, providing accurate and timely management information so you gain a clear understanding of your business performance.
We help you build on the solid foundation of reliable financial information by providing clear analysis and insights to improve your profitability and cash flow, strategic business planning for you to develop your opportunities, and project management to help you achieve your new initiatives.
Your new initiatives might include capital raising to provide adequate finance, managing and controlling your research and development activities, improving your systems for the smooth efficient running of operations and enhancing your customer service levels, your growth and development through marketing initiatives and potentially the acquisition of new businesses, and insightful consultancy and advice to your board and management together with extremely valuable contributions at your board and management meetings.
We conduct a health check on your business for your success factors, helping you identify your existing strengths and opportunities to add a huge amount of value to your business.
We help you manage your success factors and provide you with feedback on your progress.
8 - How do you help us achieve our vision?
We provide you with an executive summary business plan that helps you and your team focus on the core vision you have for your business.
We also provide a more detailed business plan setting out the actions needed for you to achieve your success and we work with you to help you implement these actions.
We help you review your business plan regularly over time, so you can refresh and align your focus as you consistently move towards your goals.
9 - What is the cost of your services?
We provide competitive pricing and value for our services through our lean efficient structure, proprietary technology, and by working effectively with you.
Our fees represent a valuable investment in your business and we help you identify which services add the most value for you.
We invite you to have an initial chat with us about the services we can provide within your budget, and we provide fixed monthly, quarterly or annual fees, so you have price certainty for your investment.
10 - How do you maintain quality of service and professionalism?
With over 20 years of professional experience we've developed our expertise, methods and quality control procedures to maintain the highest professional standards across all service areas, to strongly fulfil the most demanding needs for your business. We also comply with professional regulations of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and the Australian Tax Practitioners Board.
11 - Are you focused mainly on small and medium sized businesses?
Yes, small and medium sized businesses is where our expertise tends to lie and where we often add the most value. We've developed our insights and skills with over 20 years experience, so we understand the mind-set required for your success as a small or medium sized business.
We also have extensive project management expertise and achievement with larger businesses. These same skills translate to smaller businesses, just on a different scale. This provides us with a longer term "big picture" perspective to help you envisage and manage your transition to a larger business, and allows us to continue providing valuable assistance whatever size you become.
12 - You provide a comprehensive range of services, can you help us choose the best services for us?
Yes, very much so. We listen to your needs and offer the services that add the most value to help you build on your existing strengths.
For all our existing clients, and our potential clients, we're keen to hear the challenges you face and offer excellent solutions.
13 - Our business needs will change over time, can you continue to understand and anticipate and meet our needs as we grow and develop?
Yes we've run a variety of businesses ourselves at all stages of the business cycle, from stable family owned enterprises through to rapidly growing multinational groups. This has given us the knowledge and insights to provide you with all the valuable help and advice you need at each stage of your journey.
14 - Can you provide legal structures that afford a great combination of the available tax and legal benefits?
Yes we can provide you with a structure that provides an excellent combination of limited liability protection, asset protection, the ability to accumulate and retain profits for working capital at low corporate tax rates, the flexibility to distribute profits amongst stakeholders and family members and, very importantly, the ability to access Capital Gains, small business and other tax concessions.
15 - We have a business that's working well, systems that we're mostly happy with and a great business model including successful innovation. Can you help us further?
We help you leverage this success by conducting a health check, reporting on your existing strengths and identifying areas for further improvements, where you can add more value and move towards your long term vision.
It is fantastic where your systems are running well and your business is operating successfully, as you've implemented some of the important factors for your long term success.
We help you put in place the rest of your success factors to ensure your business continues performing well, and to help you move towards your long term vision.
16 - Why is your commitment to technology and innovation so important?
Our expertise in technology and innovation empowers you to achieve consistent improvement and add significant value to your business.
Making the best use of viable technology facilitates strong management and leadership, customer service and allows your business to be lean, perceptive, fast, and adaptable. This allows you to excel in your customer service and act on your opportunities.
Innovation, we believe, is at the core of successful business. Our passion for your success has lead us to develop our expertise in helping you manage and nurture your innovation, so you can achieve your vision.
Our own technology and innovation allows us to deliver our services smoothly and efficiently with minimal operating costs and overheads, providing excellent value to you.
17 - Can you guide me through the huge choice of cloud and server based technology.
Yes, we help you assess the effectiveness of your current technology, and if required we help you select the most suitable alternative applications for your business needs.
We can help you achieve seamless synchronisation across your multiple business applications for speed and efficiency, and avoiding duplication of data entry.
We can also provide valuable reporting dashboards so you receive real time information and key performance indicators, providing vision and insights into your day to day business results, and empowering you and your team to consistently monitor your business performance.
18 - How do I find out more about how you can help me and my business?
For an initial chat, or for more information, please contact us below and we will provide friendly assistance and helpful answers to your questions.